Sunday 1 January 2012

2012 Challenges - Challenge 1 Shower Gel

You may know that I like a good challenge.  Having recently successfully completed some no spend and use up moisturiser challenges, I thought I'd embark on some new challenges for 2012.  My challenges are two-fold, trying to use up the stash of products that I have and to try to save money.  We're saving up for a new house and the less I have in my stash, the less I'll have to take with me when we eventually move!

Today I'm posting about my shower gel challenge.  My challenge is to not buy any shower gel for the whole of 2012.  I attempted this last year, but failed, buying three shower gels during the year.  I probably could have succesfully completed this challenge if I hadn't bought them, but it would've been very difficult.  Anyway, that's not the case this year.  My shower gel stash is brimming with products, swelled with Christmas and sale bargains.  I've also received lots of bubble bath at Christmas and as I rarely take baths, I use this in place of shower gel.  I have not doubt that I will successfully complete this challenge with shower gel and bubble bath to spare.

The photo of my stash shows I have 28 shower gels and bathing products.  I've also got one open that I'm using at the moment as well as one I forgot to include in the photo.  So that's 30 in total.  There's no way I'm going to use these all up by next Christmas, but I'll give it a good go.  I'm certainly going to hold myself to not buying any more shower gels in 2012.  I'll post occasionally about which ones I've used up.

Are you planning on any challenges in 2012?

Thanks for reading! xx


  1. I'm definitely going to do this challenge too, I also think I'll have loads left, I use about 200ml up of it with daily usage every month, so nearly one, I have around 6 in my shower already so that's 6 months! Although I'm already challenging myself not to buy anything beauty related at all xx

  2. Will look forward to updates! x

  3. Ha what a great idea! At first I thought I couldn't possible do this, but actually I have loads of miniatures knocking about...! I'll try. :-) x

  4. Oooh there are some lovely shower gels there! I think you will do this, no problme. Trying to formulate an appropriate challenge for myself. Hmmm, shall report back. x

  5. I said i really need to join in with these challenges on the moisturiser one you did, but never got round to it! I don't have that many shower gels but moisturisers and hand creams are definitely stashing up...

  6. Thats an amazing idea! I probably have more than 30 shower gels (shameful I know!) I'm trying my best to downsize my collection and go on a spending ban (saving for an Imac) so have been selling some on ebay and using some as liquid soap but didn't think of commiting to buying none in 2012, I might join you :) x

  7. I know wich i love the most: Rituals!! <3

  8. This is such a good idea, I probably have about the same amount as you. Good luck on your newest challenge. xx

  9. I'm plowing away through my stash too, and I think I've done really well this month. Update coming soon!

  10. Blimey! That is a lot of shower gel! I do find the small travel size ones useful for the gym or weekends away though - much easier than carting a giant bottle around. How is your challenge going?

  11. Hi there,

    Sorry for the message to the blog rather than email - but I can't seem to see if you have one. MissShipShape who also writes a blog directed me to you. I'm doing some volunteer work for a fashion night at the Cube and I wanted to write to you about it to see if you might be interested in getting involved? If you could email me at I would be most grateful!


    Lauren xx

  12. I'm definitely going to have a go at this! What a fab idea! And ill use the money I save to buy a larvely pair of kurt geiger's I've got my eye on :)


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